Please ensure your membership receives the information in these “Weekly Blasts” throughout the season in an effort to consistently address the issues observed during GHSA games.
- OFFICIAL SCORER – The host school must provide an official score for each game, and that individual is required to WEAR a black/white stripped official’s shirt. If the host school does not have one, they should request one from the local association covering their regular season games. Failure to comply will result in starting the game with a technical foul charged to the host school.
- COVID-19 RULES MODIFICATIONS FOR TEAMS – Team bench areas must comply with one of these two options:
- Bench seating shall be physically spaced a minimum of 6 feet, and may not extend beyond the end line.
- If bench seating is NOT physically spaced a minimum of 6 feet, ALL team personnel must wear a face covering.
- If schools are not observing either (a) or (b) a “Game Report” shall be submitted.
- COVID-19 RULES MODIFICATIONS FOR GAME OFFICIALS – Game officials MUST comply with the following:
- Game officials shall wear a face covering or a whistle covering during the games.
- Game officials shall wear a face covering when addressing a coach, player, or table personnel. If using only a whistle covering officials shall not stand closer than 6-feet when addressing anyone during the game.
- BENCH DECORUM – Coaches are still restricted to the coaching box. There have been far too many instances early in the season where coaches are well out of the box and on the court throughout the game. Please take care of this early in the games. ONLY head coaches are allowed to stand during live play. Assistant coaches must remain seated during live play.
- ILLEGAL CONTACT – Defensive players are NOT allowed to contact ball handlers with one or two hands during a dribble. Clean this up early in the game to allow freedom of movement.
- GHSA PASSES – The 2020-21 GHSA Pass shall be accepted at ALL GHSA sanctioned events, unless schools do not allow spectators or have met their respective school system spectator number limit.
- TECHNICAL FOULS - If you determine that a technical foul is to be called on a player make sure you let the coach know exactly what the player did so it can be addressed. Using the term “too demonstrative” is vague – instead of that, just describe what happened.
- EJECTIONS – Per GHSA By-Law 2.72 (a) an ejection cannot be reviewed nor reversed once it has been assessed and submitted on a Game Report. Make sure an ejection is warranted, but if it is take care of it.
- TEAM FOUL COUNT - Remember the new team foul count rule by quarter instead of the half. Explain this in detail to the scorer.
Thank you for all you do for the GHSA and our member schools, but we must adhere to the COVID-19 modifications this season if we want to do all we can to ensure we complete the season.