Rules Exam Schedule

On-Line Rules Exam Schedule for 2024-2025 (For Officials)

Softball (Fast Pitch) July 17 - August 1, 2024 (DragonFly) (Study Guide)
Volleyball July 25 - August 9, 2024 (DragonFly) (Updated)
Football August 1 - August 16, 2024 (
Cheerleading August 10 - 31, 2024 (DragonFly)
Flag Football September 15 - 30, 2024 (DragonFly)
Swimming October 7 - 21, 2024   (DragonFly)
Wrestling October 25 - November 8, 2024 (DragonFly)
Basketball October 25 - November 8, 2024  (DragonFly)
Dance November 1 - 15, 2024  (DragonFly)
Soccer January 27 - February 10, 2025 (DragonFly)
Gymnastics December 26, 2024 - January 17, 2025 (DragonFly)
Boys and Girls Lacrosse January 27 - February 10, 2025 (DragonFly)
Baseball January 27 - February 10, 2025  (DragonFly)
Softball (Slow-Pitch) N/A

The Sports Examinations for Officials will be available during the time frame as indicated on the rules exam schedule. The site for the exam is indicated above.


For the DragonFly exam site (, login using your DragonFly account.On Today page of DragonFly account, click Complete Registration or Revisit Registration, and on next screen scroll down to the exam section to begin the exam.  Note:  The sport must be confirmed in section above the exam section in order to have access to the exam. Testing in DragonFly is not timed.  To receive credit for taking the exam the score/submit exam tab must be clicked to record the exam score. Failure to score exam by the testing deadline will void exam. 


For the GHSA exam site (, follow login and test instruction below:

You will login to the GHSA exam site using your last name and the last five (5) digits of your Social Security Number. We are using the information given to us by your association secretary, so if you have problems logging into the site, please ask your secretary how your name and last five (5) digits were given to us for registration. Only currently registered officials will be able to take the test.

There is a time limit of 180 minutes to complete the test once you start. Please try to take the test as early in the time frame as possible. If you attempt to take the test near the deadline, you must start the test with enough time to finish before midnight on the examination deadline. After the deadline has passed, you will be unable to answer any further questions and the test will be scored at that point.

Warning - once you start the test you have 180 minutes from the start time in order to finish the test. You cannot log out of the testing system and then log back in later in order to try to suspend the test timer - the timer does not stop during that time. Please ensure that you have enough time to complete the test before starting.

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